For TED2019, we’re joining the search for deeper meaning. We’ll be exploring technologies that evoke wonder and tantalize with superhuman powers, mind-bending science that will drive the future, mind-expanding creativity and most of all, the inspiring possibilities that happen when we ask what ideas are truly worth fighting for, worth living for. In TEDxFuxingPark, We explore the same ideas as the folks in TED main forum, Session6 and Session9 will be streemed online in TEDxFuxingParkLive。 TED2019,Happening now
在TED2019,我们探索更深层的意义。我们将探索能够唤起奇迹并用超人力量达到的技术,能够驱动未来的挑战现有思维的科学,拓展思维的创造力,最重要的是,当我们问什么想法真正值得奋斗,值得为之生活时,会发生鼓舞人心的可能性。在TEDx复兴公园,我们与TED主会场的小伙伴们一同探讨同样的话题,来加入我们的讨论吧! TED2019,现在进行时......
2019年4月,我们邀请身在上海的您,和我们一起,通过TEDxLive活动,不用远赴温哥华,在上海,与TED 2019即刻连线,
第一时间观看TED 2019,洞见属于你的未来!
* TEDxLive 是获得官方许可的TED大会的网络直播。在这里,全世界都是TED的观众;其宗旨是把TED大会办的更加开放,让它对世界的影响更加直接、具体。
Every April, people gather from all over the world to Vancouver, paying more than 8000$ for the chance ot participate in TED for 5 days, obtaining cutting edge information about technology, entertainment and design, social and humanity.
This April in 2019, we invite you, in Shanghai, together with us, to experience TED2019 first handed at your door step.
Watch TED2019, and to see your own future.
*TEDxLive is licensed by TED to broadcast TED2019 locally. Here, the whole world is connected by TEDLIVE.
活 动 日 程
2019.4.28; April28th, 2019
18:00-18:30 签到 Registration
18:30~20:00 SESSION 01
20:00~20:30 茶歇 Tea Break
20:30~21:30 SESSION 02
Location 地点:
上海市,静安区,乌鲁木齐路17弄-4号 好处
MeetBest,No.4,Lane17, Middle Wulumuqi Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai, China
本活动由主办方委托【活动行】票务代理,具体服务及内容由主办方【TEDxFuxingPark (TEDx复兴公园)】提供,请仔细阅读活动内容后报名。
TEDx复兴公园自2014年初取得美国TED总部授权,以非盈利组织之方式独立运营。通过开展TEDx Salon, Conference, Live 等活动传播拓展思想的力量。 TED-Ideas Worth Spreading